Midget Girls - softball
Midget Girls are typically ages 17, 18 & 19, and play softball. Most of the teams in the league have teams consisting of Bantam and Midget players, and are joining both levels so the kids can play ball.
Midget practices and games will be held Tuesdays and Thursdays at Centennial Park Diamond at 5:30pm
All Games are at 6:45pm
Please check the Calendar for game and practice schedules.
All Games are at 6:45pm
Please check the Calendar for game and practice schedules.
Things you need- Ball Glove, Black Ball Pants, Bat, and a CSA approved Helmet with dual ear flaps and face guard/mask, Proper running shoes (no open toe shoes or sandals are permitted). No exposed jewellery.
10.3 Mercy Rules – 10 or more runs ahead - this rule applies after the completion of 5 or more innings.
10.4 Run Per Inning – 5 Runs per inning. No Limited runs in Open Inning varies per division.
10.5 Baselines and pitching distances. · Ball - 12”
· Pitching Distance - (B) 42’ or 12.8m, (G) 40’ or 12.2m
· Diamond Layout – Base-Lines 60’ or 18.3m, Diagonal 84’10” or 25.5m
10.7 Dropped Third Strike - This rule will not apply to the Mite and Squirt categories. A dropped third strike is only used for PeeWee divisions and higher and can occur on either a called 3rd strike or a swinging 3rd strike. Note: a – the umpire will verbalize the strike 3 ball but not that the ball is dropped;
B the batter may be tagged out or thrown out at first;
C the batter is out if they leave the field of play;
D the batter is out if they break their established base-path;
E occurs when the catcher does not legally catch the thrown pitch.
Note: a pitch hitting the ground and then caught by the catcher is not a legally caught ball;
Cannot occur when there is a base-runner of first base at the time the pitch is released and there are less than two outs. Note a) the batter is out; b) if the ball stays alive (e.g. Not a passed or trapped ball) any base-runners may steal at the risk of being put out; c) the umpire does not verbalize that the ball has been dropped; d) it is up to the catcher to realize that the dropped 3rd strike rule is not in effect and decide whether or not to try and throw out any base-runner who may be stealing; e) in an obvious situation, where in the umpires judgement, the batter knows the are out because first base was occupied bu continues to run the bases in attempt to distract the defence the batter ma be called for interference; the umpire will kill the play; since the batter is already out the base-runner closest to home e will be called out; any other runners will be returned to their original bses;
Can occur when there is a base-runner on first base at the time the pitch is released and there are two outs. Note, if the bases are loaded the catcher can touch home plate for a third out forced.
a) Balls – an 12”core 47 ball white or optic shall be used for the Mites and Squirts. Synthetic balls can be used if teams so desire. Rubber balls shall not be allowed. Home team shall supply one new ball (which must be used for the game) and one back up ball acceptable to both coaches, and/or umpires.
b) Bats – All bats must be taped with non-friction tape. A bat does not have to have the wording “Official Softball”, as long as it is legal in all other aspects
c) Gloves
d) Footwear – No Open toed shoes/sandals, No metal cleats
e) Helmets – Offensive Players are required to wear a correctly fitted, protective batting helmet with dual ear flaps and face guard, and properly fastened with a chin strap, at all times while batting, running the bases, or while on the playing field.
f) An approved facemask/guard is required as part of the protective batting helmet for all players.
g) All Minor players regardless of the positions being played, must wear an athletic support with cup (Jill Strap)
h) Minor catchers in all categories are required to wear:
· Protective helmet with ear flaps and
· Mask with the attached throat protector
· Appropriate glove (trapper style or normal softball)
· Chest protector
· Double knee shin guards
· Minor catchers must wear the protective helmet and mask with the attached throat protector prior to the game and between innings, when warming up a pitcher.
i) Adults or minors, warming up a pitcher or umpiring at the plate, must wear a protective face mask or catcher’s protective helmet and mask.
j) Full uniforms with numbers on the back of shirts are strongly recommended, but are not a requirement for CMSA teams. This is a AASA provincial requirement when advancing beyond city play-offs or tournament play. If uniforms are worn, they must be alike in color, trim and style, and must be worn properly.
f) No exposed jewellery such as wristwatches, bracelets and any type of earrings, neck chains or any other item judged dangerous may not be worn during the game.
a)All games will be umpired by parents and or coaching staff
b)The home team will provide the umpires
c) Home team is responsible for diamond layout.
a) Coach
b) Assistant Coach
c) Manager
d) Equipment Manager
e) Scorekeeper
f) Field Safety Coordinator
10.3 Mercy Rules – 10 or more runs ahead - this rule applies after the completion of 5 or more innings.
10.4 Run Per Inning – 5 Runs per inning. No Limited runs in Open Inning varies per division.
10.5 Baselines and pitching distances. · Ball - 12”
· Pitching Distance - (B) 42’ or 12.8m, (G) 40’ or 12.2m
· Diamond Layout – Base-Lines 60’ or 18.3m, Diagonal 84’10” or 25.5m
10.7 Dropped Third Strike - This rule will not apply to the Mite and Squirt categories. A dropped third strike is only used for PeeWee divisions and higher and can occur on either a called 3rd strike or a swinging 3rd strike. Note: a – the umpire will verbalize the strike 3 ball but not that the ball is dropped;
B the batter may be tagged out or thrown out at first;
C the batter is out if they leave the field of play;
D the batter is out if they break their established base-path;
E occurs when the catcher does not legally catch the thrown pitch.
Note: a pitch hitting the ground and then caught by the catcher is not a legally caught ball;
Cannot occur when there is a base-runner of first base at the time the pitch is released and there are less than two outs. Note a) the batter is out; b) if the ball stays alive (e.g. Not a passed or trapped ball) any base-runners may steal at the risk of being put out; c) the umpire does not verbalize that the ball has been dropped; d) it is up to the catcher to realize that the dropped 3rd strike rule is not in effect and decide whether or not to try and throw out any base-runner who may be stealing; e) in an obvious situation, where in the umpires judgement, the batter knows the are out because first base was occupied bu continues to run the bases in attempt to distract the defence the batter ma be called for interference; the umpire will kill the play; since the batter is already out the base-runner closest to home e will be called out; any other runners will be returned to their original bses;
Can occur when there is a base-runner on first base at the time the pitch is released and there are two outs. Note, if the bases are loaded the catcher can touch home plate for a third out forced.
a) Balls – an 12”core 47 ball white or optic shall be used for the Mites and Squirts. Synthetic balls can be used if teams so desire. Rubber balls shall not be allowed. Home team shall supply one new ball (which must be used for the game) and one back up ball acceptable to both coaches, and/or umpires.
b) Bats – All bats must be taped with non-friction tape. A bat does not have to have the wording “Official Softball”, as long as it is legal in all other aspects
c) Gloves
d) Footwear – No Open toed shoes/sandals, No metal cleats
e) Helmets – Offensive Players are required to wear a correctly fitted, protective batting helmet with dual ear flaps and face guard, and properly fastened with a chin strap, at all times while batting, running the bases, or while on the playing field.
f) An approved facemask/guard is required as part of the protective batting helmet for all players.
g) All Minor players regardless of the positions being played, must wear an athletic support with cup (Jill Strap)
h) Minor catchers in all categories are required to wear:
· Protective helmet with ear flaps and
· Mask with the attached throat protector
· Appropriate glove (trapper style or normal softball)
· Chest protector
· Double knee shin guards
· Minor catchers must wear the protective helmet and mask with the attached throat protector prior to the game and between innings, when warming up a pitcher.
i) Adults or minors, warming up a pitcher or umpiring at the plate, must wear a protective face mask or catcher’s protective helmet and mask.
j) Full uniforms with numbers on the back of shirts are strongly recommended, but are not a requirement for CMSA teams. This is a AASA provincial requirement when advancing beyond city play-offs or tournament play. If uniforms are worn, they must be alike in color, trim and style, and must be worn properly.
f) No exposed jewellery such as wristwatches, bracelets and any type of earrings, neck chains or any other item judged dangerous may not be worn during the game.
a)All games will be umpired by parents and or coaching staff
b)The home team will provide the umpires
c) Home team is responsible for diamond layout.
a) Coach
b) Assistant Coach
c) Manager
d) Equipment Manager
e) Scorekeeper
f) Field Safety Coordinator